Project 10 to the 100

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Your Idea’s name: “CUREALL”

Category: Health


1. What one sentence best describes your idea?

A: Healthy World


2. Describe your idea in more depth? (Maximum 300 words)

A: The wonder health formula of this century


Is the unique one that

*controls acute disease in just a few minutes/hours and cures in just 2 or 3 days.

e.g.: fever, common cold, diarrhea, Constipation, Stomach disorders,Menstrual problems, Itching, hemorrhoids or piles, mouth ulcers, tonsillitis, heat spots, sun stroke …

*Controls chronic diseases in just a few days and in obstinate cases gives palliation.

e.g.: Asthma, Paralysis, Cancer, Thyroid problems …

*has no side effects

*immunizes the individual.

*Controls and cures not only the identified diseases, but also the unidentified diseases.

e.g.: Over heat, Uneasiness in the body and mind…

*Cures not only the diseases of human beings, but also the animals.


1. Does the formula works for every one with 100% guarantee?

A. As per our observation most of the people who used “CUREALL” were benefited. But, this doesn’t mean that we give 100% guarantee. We guess a very few percentage of people less than 10% could not respond to this formula and in some individuals it cures 95% of the diseases, still there may be some failures up to 5% of the diseases.

2. If a patient didn’t get any response at first instance (disease). Does it work at another instance?

A. Some times the patient who doesn’t respond to “CUREALL” at first instance may respond at another instance.

3. Can a healthy individual use this “CUREALL”?

A. Yes. A healthy person can use “CUREALL”. It would be useful to raise the immunity of the person as a general medicine.

4. Does “CUREALL” useful for children and old people?

A. Yes. “CUREALL” can be used for infants to gifted aged persons.

For further information visit


3. What problem or issue does your idea address? (Maximum 150 words)

A. a. Need:

People to Doctors ratio in most of the countries is not so sufficient that one could get the Doctor’s appointment is not so easy. In most situations patient’s ailments may become worse before they meet the doctor.

b. Cost effective:

Nowadays to have medical treatment is a costly affair. It became too hard to afford much amount for clinical bills as the prices of those medicines soared to sky.


Everyone tries to lead a good long healthy life. But, today no one can say that they are fully healthy. To get relief from the diseases people use various traditional ways of treatment. Even though they serve to a better extent in controlling diseases most of the ways give side effects.

The solution for the above mentioned problems can be obtained by using “CUREALL”.


4. If your idea were to become a reality, who would benefit the most and how? (Maximum 150 words)

A. After implementing “CUREALL” we can see this entire world as healthier one. Every human being in the world from infants to the old age people leads a longer and healthier life.

People from very poor countries to the rich would be benefited by it.

Very poor people as well as the rich will get good health.

Especially, we can see the Old people with fewer ailments.

Because, “CUREALL” cures diseases as early as possible and gives immunity, every one from human beings to the animals would benefit from it.

Moreover it is one of the best solutions for the people to get rid off from pollution concerned problems to the maximum extent.


5. What are the initial steps required to get this idea off the ground? (Maximum 150 words)

A. No particular effort is required to get this idea off the ground except some hours of training to use this “CUREALL”.


6. Describe the optimal outcome should your idea be selected and successfully implemented. How would you measure it? (Maximum 150 words)

A. As per the outcome concerned optimal outcome would be such a great that no one can at least dreamed upon it.

As per health point of view no test is so analytical to gauze the suffering than that of the sufferer. After using “CUREALL” the individuals themselves can experience the result. Moreover we can measure the results with clinical tests also.

We have all heard doctors say that daily exercise and a healthy diet are never bad for you and are most often the easiest-to-do remedies for a range of medical problems from exhaustion to sleep deprivation to depression. In our greenest society yet we have all but thrown plastic bags into extinction, our gas tanks are often on double duty trying to save our credit card debt, and everything organic is “in,” from bread to wine to the clothes on our backs, but for all that we are doing to save the environment, what are we doing to save ourselves? New studies show that exercise may just be the cure-all we’ve been looking for all along.

Even though the gym is a sore subject for a lot of people, others relish the adrenaline high from lifting weights, pushing through that extra mile on the treadmill, or watching the news while trudging the elliptical machine. Aerobics has helped many an older, retired person keep up with a daily routine as well as maintain socialization in the wake of moving to a new location or from the loss of a loved one.

A few months ago we ran a story about the possibility of exercise helping Alzheimer’s patients and further studies are now emerging. New research from the Beckman Institute at the University of Illinois shows the benefits of physical activity can help to support and strengthen brain functions such as task coordination, working memory, planning, and the ability to multi-task.

Cognitive neuroscientist Professor Art Kramer, main author, looked over past research that showed that enough regular exercise to make a person out of breath has improved brain tissue and thought sharpness. With age brain matter deteriorates and in people with Alzheimer’s disease, brain cells are killed faster and induce cognitive impairment. Kramer notes that both patients with Alzheimer’s and those without the disease have both recorded benefits.

After six months of aerobic exercise studies, some found that the brain function was declined and it may be possible for the brain to continue to grow and redevelop what it may have lost. Other studies show that a higher exercise rate equals a lower brain deterioration scan. With even more tests to do, Professor Kramer attests, “we can safely argue that an active lifestyle with moderate amounts of aerobic activity will likely improve cognitive and brain function, and reverse the neural decay frequently observed in older adults."

Now after hearing the positive effects that exercise can have on Alzheimer’s disease, you might still want to put off that gym membership or recreation center class, but another new study should get you in those running shoes. The United States’ most disabling condition to date is arthritis with millions of Americans suffering each day. A University of Missouri study found that relief may be on the horizon after all. The study involved teaching arthritis patients exercise habits in order to decrease pain and increase physical function compared to a group of patients who did not participate in the informational exercise routines that the researchers called “interventions”. Other benefits were reported, clearer mental health and better muscle strength levels. Lead author of the study from University of Missouri, Professor Vicki Conn, associate dean of research at the Sinclair School of Nursing says of the program, “Educational components can be incorporated into exercise programs in any setting that are currently suggested by physicians, nurses and other care providers."

Data collected from 4,111 volunteers throughout 28 different studies, showed results from people afflicted with different kinds of arthritis including knee, rheumatoid, and osteoarthritis. The data was only collected from the studies that looked at physical activities reported after the exercise interventions were concluded.

The researchers conclude that all exercise programs should stage information interventions to improve the health and benefits of each patient’s treatment over more-invasive forms of relief like over the counter medications or prescription pain killers. Doctor’s orders of a glass of wine over dinner, a plate of healthy greens and a regular exercise regimen doesn’t sound as bad as crippling arthritis that causes your joints to ache or a fast-deteriorating brain that cripples the rest of your life. Maybe a few rounds on the track, a few laps in the pool, or invigorating yoga might be beneficial after all.